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PreHCM Portal WhiteSpot Module

The central exchange platform for closing WhiteSpots

Your key to seamless mobile coverage:

The PreHCM Portal WhiteSpot Module

Welcome to the PreHCM Portal - your central exchange platform for successfully closing whitespots in the German mobile network.

Our portal offers an innovative solution, secured according to ISO 27001, to effectively address the challenges of insufficient network coverage in Germany.

The challenge: whitespots in the mobile network

In the digital era, seamless mobile phone coverage is crucial. However, whitespots, i.e. areas without mobile phone reception, represent a significant hurdle. These "white spots" not only affect everyday communication, but also the digital inclusion and economic development of communities. Optimal network coverage is therefore a key concern in order to guarantee access to digital services for all.

Current progress: Use of the WhiteSpot Module

The PreHCM portal and the WhiteSpot module in particular play a central role in efforts to close the network coverage gaps in Germany. The module is currently in active use and provides mobile network operators with essential support to effectively overcome the challenges of comprehensive mobile coverage. Although this process is still in the implementation phase, clear progress is visible.

Support for network operators

The integration of these specialized modules into the PreHCM portal increases the flexibility and effectiveness of the system and enables MNOs to manage a wide range of network requirements efficiently and securely.

Previous successes

Acceleration of grid expansion

The WhiteSpot module enables network operators to accelerate the expansion process in an efficient and targeted manner. Automation technologies make a significant contribution to increasing efficiency.


Increase in network quality

The improvements in network quality that have already been achieved show the positive effect of the module. Higher network quality leads to more reliable communication for users.


Compliance with regulatory requirements

By using the WhiteSpot module, network operators are actively working to fulfill legal requirements. This is a significant contribution to the expansion of the digital infrastructure in Germany.


The path to achieving seamless mobile communications coverage in Germany is advanced, but not yet complete. The WhiteSpot module is at the heart of these efforts and demonstrates the importance of technological solutions for overcoming social and economic challenges.

State of the Art - Security

Our security requirements are agreed with all users and meet the highest standards. The PreHCM portal ensures
a secure environment that is compliant with the individual requirements of our users.

Further information

Find out more about how the PreHCM portal is revolutionizing wireless network expansion in Germany and contributing to the success of the mobile industry. 

Contact us to discover the benefits of our platform in person and pave the way to nationwide mobile coverage together.


Onepager PreHCM Portal WhiteSpot Modul
Onepager including all key facts about PreHCM Portal WhiteSpot Module
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