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Web Portal for Operator Agreement Management

operator-agreements.com adds Business Process Automation to your Mobile Network Operator Agreements

Be more efficient when processing your Operator Agreements

Your network quality will highly benefit from operator agreements. They give your rolled out sites high planning reliability.

Operator Agreements boost your network quality in border areas. They increase planning security, lead to conformity with rules and regulations and hereby protect your investments.

The web portal operator-agreements.com provides structure and support both to your technical and contractual negotiations.

This results in efficiency increase and resource savings compared to manual and fractioned approaches.


Our web portal operator-agreements.com supports the German regulatory process „frequency management“ in all aspects and meets all requirements of the German regulatory authority regarding reporting of operator agreements.

The portal allows for stepwise approval. It handles and exchanges all detailed parameters with the German regulator.


The web portal operator-agreements.com supports mobile network operators during all process steps of an operator agreement. Starting with first contact and going over document management up to data exchange – operator-agreements.com manages all process steps and facets of an operator agreement.

The portal comes with a set of sample operator agreements (both bi and multilateral) reaching from simple to complex. Adopting these samples to your individual situation will enable you to quickly set up your own operator agreements. The complex technical and contractual negotiation process is documented and a management reporting function gives a transparent overview for managers and co-workers. Import of already existing operator agreements or creating new operator agreements works easy.

We closely collaborate with premium user in several countries. These important contributions together with our own development of "operator-agreements.com" guarantees quality and high topicality of our product.

Data security

PreHCM Services GmbH operates "operator-agreements.com" according to the most advanced security standards according to ISO/IEC 27001.

Savings Potential

operator-agreements.com reduces manual effort by 40%

360 degree status overview at the tip of your finger

operator-agreements.com contains a digital process flow of the entire operator agreement process between mobile operators.

At the tip of your fingers  you immediately get a status overview or detailed report.

Key Advantages

Which are the advantages of operator-agreements.com over a manual performed coordination process?

Reduced efforts compared with manual performed process

Less effort due to fully web portal based process automation especially when it comes to subsequent operator agreements

List of contacts and master data always available

operator-agreements.com stands for simplified data administration and common data research

operator-agreements.com meets BNetzA provisions

operator-agreements.com has inbuilt features like BA-Nr/BA-ID and ability to support national frequency coordination

Standardisation of operator agreement processes

Integrating technical annexes to operator agreements together with data exchange parameters

Transparent process handling, report and recording

Central data instance available – all relevant documents, data and contacts at a glance

Spectrum view based on current regulatory information

Tool supported process, which let you save time compared to manual performed process


Operator Agreements

Manage your entire operator agreement related communication with other networks operators.

Management of spectrum data

Manage frequency bands, blocks and technologies (GSM, LTE, etc.) and keep them up to date.

Contact management

Keep your contacts up to date and add roles, responsibilities. Manage regional functions and split responsibilities.

Visualization of spectrum

Graphical visualization of frequency bands, blocks, user and timeline.

Progress  monitoring

Status overview, status query and management reports for operator agreements.

Document management and version management

Management and classification of all operator agreement related documents (framework, annexes).


Onepager PreHCM Portal Operator Agreements (OA Modul)
Onepager including all key facts about PreHCM Portal Operator Agreements (OA Module)
pdf 3 MB