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EMF Site Permit Management

Registration of cellular communications sites in accordance with the „Verordnung über das Nachweisverfahren zur Begrenzung elektromagnetischer Felder” (BEMFV)

In order to guarantee that cell phones, smartphones or tablet computers can be used at any time without any health risks, the legislature has set binding exposure limit values for the protection of health for the operation of radio systems.

The limit values are based on the current state of research and determine the limit of permitted loads that is not allowed to be exceeded.

 If the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has issued a location certificate in accordance with the „Verordnung über das Nachweisverfahren zur Begrenzung elektromagnetischer Felder” (BEMFV), it confirms that the planned operation of the radio system will comply with the statutory EMF limit values wherever people may reside.

The PreHCM tool suite covers the entire lifecycle of the site certification process, from the preliminary assessment to the application and receipt of approval, commissioning and occupational health and safety assessment to the decommissioning of sites.

Management of Location Registration

Location Overview

After the locations have been synchronized, the location overview contains a list of all locations represented in the system, including their location-specific information (branch ID, location code, location name, postcode, place, district, corridor and land parcel).


In the planning process of a radio system, the estimation functionality can be used to generate a forecast of the safety distances to be maintained (exposure area 2).
The distances obtained in this way in the vertical and horizontal direction help planners and site managers with the dimensioning and positioning of the antenna supports poles.

Application Overview

The application overview provides an overview of all applications created and processed in PreHCM-EMF, stating their application-specific data (Branch ID, location code, postcode, location name, site, creator, certificate number and last modification date).

Revision Overview

The revision overview is used to manage individual applications.
The associated contact data, one or more radio systems, co-users and attachments can be assigned and managed to each application.

Occupational Safety Radio Systems

The occupational safety module can be used to evaluate the valid location certificate according to the antenna identification in accordance with DGUV regulation 15 (former BGVB11). The user receives a list of the safety distances for exposure area 1, which is the basis for labeling at the location.


The commissioning overview lists all revisions approved by the Federal Network Agency (progress = granted), stating their application-specific data (branch ID, location code, zip code, location name, site, revision, certificate number, progress, creator, changed by, last modification date). It is now possible to put individual radio systems of the revisions into operation.


The decommissioning overview offers the option of decommissioning radio systems of the revisions that have the progress "Commissioned".

Transfer Management

All transfers made via the system are listed in the transfer list, stating their basic data (revision, progress, certificate number, external key, operator, manual via email and third-party goods). Documents belonging to the transfer can be downloaded as a zip archive.

Master Data


In the operator overview, mobile network operators are managed by naming their basic data (internal name, BNetzA name, BNetzA code and current status).


In the manufacturers overview, all manufacturer relevant data in the system is managed, including their basic data (designation, internal designation, antenna manufacturers and system manufacturers).


In the contacts overview, contacts relevant to the system are managed, stating their basic data (company, first name, last name, e-mail, street, house number, postcode and city).

Technical Data Management


In the hardware overview, all devices known to the system are managed, including their basic data (manufacturer, designation, channel bandwidth, type of transmitter, number of RU, number of channels, MIMO, technologies and bands).

Radio Systems

In the radio system overview, all radio systems known to the system are managed, including their basic data (internal designation, BNetzA designation, operator, technologies, bands, DL operating frequency, UL operating frequency and approved).


The antenna overview enables the user to manage the antenna types known to the system or to export the stored antenna diagrams. The list also names the specific data belonging to the antenna (manufacturer, type, length, polarization, frequency band and downlink / uplink direction) and represents a logical link to the associated MSI files.


All radio technologies known to the system are managed in the technology overview.

Frequency Bands

All frequency bands known to the system are managed in the band overview.


User Administration

The user administration lists existing user accounts, enables new accounts to be created, passwords to be reset and user roles and associated rights to be assigned.

Administration Settings

Only users with the "System Administrator" user role can access the Administration user interface. The desired storage locations for the attachments, antenna envelopes, downloads and uploads managed by the system are configured here.

User Settings

The application allows you to customize the system to your own needs based on user-specific settings. For example, the language of the user interface or the start mask of the system can be specified.


Onepager PreHCM EMF
Onepager including all key facts about PreHCM EMF (location certificate)
pdf 1 MB