Wattwächter is an simulation tool developed by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on behalf of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) for issuing EMF site permit certificates. The underlying evaluation method is used in the "PreHCM MxWell" software for calculating and displaying the protection area in the vicinity of base station antennas at a specific site. The protection area is the three-dimensional area in which the legally prescribed limit value for the electromagnetic field strength is reached or exceeded.
The limits are defined for the electric and magnetic field according to the 26th BImSchV and depend on the frequency.
PreHCM MxWell integrates the latest version of the “Wattwächter” officially published by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in a cloud environment in order to ensure efficient use of the software for the applicant.
The PreHCM EMF Toolsuite covers the entire lifecycle of the site certification process from the pre-assessment, through the application and receipt of approval, commissioning and occupational health and safety assessment to the decommissioning of sites.
Configuration of the calculation
The "Calculate" dialog mask specifies the size and position of the calculation plane for simulating the exposure range. Here it is possible to differentiate between different types of simulation (exposure area 1, exposure area 2, etc.). Furthermore, several parallel simulation sections can be calculated in one process.
Data import / data export
The configuration and section parameter files can be exported and imported. Result simulations can be superimposed on construction plans in order to show a direct visualization of the protection zones for the location. Created radio configurations and calculations are permanently stored for the user in the account.
Calculation archive
The data records from the simulations that have taken place are saved in the overview mask and can be modified at any time in order to simulate a different radio system configuration. This makes it easier for user to assess the exposure areas when the site is expanded with new radio technologies.
Parallel calculation
Parallel multiple calculations are possible in PreHCM MxWell, including display of the calculation progress using an architecture for mass data handling. This has the advantage that the user’s PC is not blocked for the duration of the simulation and other users can be active at the same time.